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People should not be allowed to work from home because it’s less productive than being in the office (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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Nowadays there is a wide controversy whether working from home should be restricted due to its inefficiency in comparison with being in the office. I am quite interested in this theme that is why I would like to give my opinion on it.

Personally, I completely disagree with the statement. First of all, when working from home people feel more comfortable in a familiar environment. That is why their concentration grows as they are not disturbed by external factors in contrary to being in the office where they can waste their times having senseless talks with other colleagues. Secondly, allowing people to work from home motivates them to work more efficient as they become interested in completing their tasks in time in order to have more free time for their house chores. Hence, working from home is as productive as working from office.

However, one may say that people should not be allowed to work from home since it deprives them of working atmosphere and, vice versa, demotivates them as there is very slight control of their actions.

Unfortunately, I still cannot agree with this opinion. Nowadays offices can provide an efficient system of control for those working from home so that nobody neglects their duties. Working from home does not exclude people from working process as they are still connected to the office by their gadgets.

To sum up, I would say that work from home should definitely be allowed as it makes the working process more productive and comfortable.

Оценка эксперта:

использовании лексики (3 из 3).

К4. Грамматика (1 из 3):

where they can waste their times having senseless talks with other colleagues.
Неверное число. Правильно: where they can waste their time having senseless talks with other colleagues.

allowing people to work from home motivates them to work more efficient
Неверная часть речи. Правильно: allowing people to work from home motivates them to work more efficiently

working from home is as productive as working from office.
Пропущен артикль. Правильно: working from home is as productive as working from the office.

it deprives them of working atmosphere
Пропущен артикль. Правильно: it deprives them of the working atmosphere

Working from home does not exclude people from working process
Пропущен артикль. Правильно: Working from home does not exclude people from the working process

К5. Орфография и пунктуация (1 из 2):

First of all, when working from home people feel more comfortable

Правильно: First of all, when working from home, people feel more comfortable

I am quite interested in this theme that is why I would like to give my opinion on it.

Правильно: I am quite interested in this theme, that is why I would like to give my opinion on it.

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