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Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

10 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

Nowadays there is a wide controversy whether public health could be controlled by the government by lessening the size of sugary drink containers. That is why I would like to give my opinion on it.

Personally, I agree with the statement. First of all, experts point out that sugar is the cause of many diseases, such as obesity or heart strikes. However, many people are not aware of this and continue consuming soft drinks under the impression of bright advertising. This means that the government should raise people’s awareness by controlling the volume of sugary drink containers. Secondly, market offers majorly soft drinks, which means that people are almost left no choice in deciding what to drink. Therefore, they may not even understand they are buying something harmful as there is no identification.

That is why the government should limit the size of sugary drinks in order to prevent people from having diseases.

However, one may say it is not the government which is in power to limit sugar consumption. They say that people themselves are responsible for their food choice, that is why no one can restrict their will to eat sugar.

Unfortunately, I still cannot agree with this opinion. Food industries usually deprive people from their choice by instilling them harmful eating habits. Hence, people are often disable to take responsibility for their nutrition and it is the government which should support them.

To sum up, I would say that lessening the size of sugary drink containers is a necessary measure for the government to take in order to have a strong, active population.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание.

Аспект 1 - проблема не поставлена. Не выделены 2 мнения. (-)

Аспект - 2 - Мнение не вырадено конкретно (из-за ошибки в Аспекте 1) (+/-)

Аспект 5 - заключение не может составлять 1 предложение. (+/-)

К2 - организация. - из-за отсутствия конкретики в постановке проблемы и мнений балл снижен за логику.

К3 - лексика - грубых лексических ошибок нет.

К4 - грамматика - грубых грамматических ошибок нет.

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. - все нормы соблюдены.

В целом:

К1 - 1

К2 - 1

К3 - 3

К4 - 3

К5 - 2

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