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Browsing the Web is harmful to teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, Internet technologies have penetrated all spheres of life. Some people believe that surfing the Internet is damaging for teenagers, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, browsing the Web is really harmful to teenagers. Firstly, if you are inaccurate on the web, you can download viruses on your PC or smartphone. Hackers can get access to all your personal information, like an address, phone and credit card number. They can use them for criminal purposes. Secondly, frequent browsing of the Web is harmful for teenager`s health. Your eyes are constantly strained and it can cause visual impairment. Besides, a teenager`s posture is “under attack” too.

However, some people advocate an opposing opinion and explain the situation differently.

They say that browsing the web is not harmful for teenagers at all because it is useful for them as it helps teenagers to have an unlimited access to any information.

Nevertheless, I do not share the opinion mentioned above. Personally, I believe that constant browsing of the web can have a bad effect on teenager`s mind. Teenagers forget how to search for information in other sources, like books, encyclopedias and other printed material, which are often not available on the Internet. Moreover, not all information on the Internet is correct. Sometimes it can even be harmful for teenagers.

In conclusion, although the opposing viewpoint has the right to exist, I am firmly convinced that browsing the Web is really harmful to teenagers.


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