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While we remember wartime, we keep peace (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

How long will it take people to forget all these nightmares which were left by great amount of wars? And should they be forgotten? Nowadays people do their best to prevent our world from terrorism, wars and battles.

In my opinion, as long scary warfare moments are in people's minds and a lot of people remember the difficulties of survival, it's impossible to start a war again. For example, "Immortal Regiment March" is a tradition in Russia, which is held every year on Victory day. Millions of people parade with flowers and portraits of relatives, who fought in World War II. It is a sign that belligerent men, women and children are still recalled, as their brave acts and feats. Moreover, many countries try to avoid mistakes of past generation (some politicians were cruel and wanted to capture as many territories as possible) and they appreciate peaceful sky above their heads. That is why, there are many museums, songs, movies and novels, which are devoted to horrible war moments in history.

They were made to remind everybody of those battles and deaths they brought. Next generation will be able to see clearly the value of wars and peace, their differences.

To sum up, we need to understand that "war is never a lasting solution for any problem" and explain it to our descendants. Maybe one day wars will be only horrible parts of history, not a reality.

Цитаты о войне, которые могут пригодиться:

«I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.»

Alexander the Great

«God created war so that Americans would learn geography.»

Mark Twain

«There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.»

Albert Camus

“But when will our leaders learn — war is not the answer.”

Helen Thomas


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