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Говорение. Задание 3. Task 3. You are going to give a talk about choosing a career (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Вариант 1

Choosing a career is an extremely important step in every person's life. People can choose their career taking into consideration a great variety of factors: their health state, interests and hobbies; the peculiarities of the region where they live; salary levels for different jobs; relatives and friends' pieces of advice, etc.

I believe that one of the keys to success is starting to think about your future career as early as possible. A lot of children put off such decisions until the very last moment when there is already no time left to make the right choice. In my opinion, it is reasonable to begin making serious plans for the future when you are an eighth-grader.

As an eighth-grader, you have a bunch of opportunities to get ready for the future profession.

For example, in order to improve your knowledge of the subject that you are interested in, you can attend specific elective courses, take part in extracurricular activities, read additional books and Internet resources, watch educational videos and so on. You can also try and have some practice in your dream job.

As for my choice of future profession, I know for sure that I am going to be an economist. This sphere appeals to me very much, and I have already chosen a university that I want to enter in two years.

Вариант 2

Choosing a career is an important and difficult thing. To make the right choice, young people try to understand what area they are interested in, ask their parents and friends for advice and also analyze what professions are needed at present in the region where they live.

People normally start making serious plans for the future when they are in high school. It is when they are already grown-up enough to take responsibility for their own life. But every person is unique: I know that there are people who start thinking about their future job much earlier.

Nowadays, we have a lot of ways to prepare for the future profession. For example, we can take additional classes, watch useful videos on the Internet or just get acquainted and communicate with the people who are good at that profession. If we do all that, we will learn a lot and will feel confident on our first day at work.

Personally, I have not given much thought to my choice of future profession yet. To be honest, I am in two minds now. On the one hand, I am interested in literature; on the other hand, chemistry appeals to me as well. So, I will probably base my decision on my performance in the tenth and eleventh forms.


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