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TV is a better source of information than the Internet (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world there are many sources of information. Some people strongly believe that television is the best way to find information. Others suppose that the Internet contains more information than TV.

From my point of view, the best place to get information is the Internet. Firstly, there are many sites when you can find the topic you need. For example, the Internet has everything from recipes to science. Secondly, you can buy some things by the Internet. For instance, people have the ability to buy everything and quickly.

However, other people believe that TV has more abilities. Television info is well selected. Moreover, there are many TV viewers of different ages. It is information for children, young people and old people.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because the Internet has age restrictions.

Also, nowadays there are special apps and website only for children and other groups of people.

Taking into consideration different opinions, I am completely convinced that the Internet is the best source of information nowadays because there are many abilities and info for people of different ages.

In the modern world there are many sources of information. Some people strongly believe that television is the best way to find information. Others suppose that the Internet contains more information than TV.

From my point of view, the best place to get information is the Internet. Firstly, there are many sites when you can find the topic you need. For example, the Internet has everything from recipes to science. Secondly, you can buy some things by the Internet. For instance, people have the ability to buy everything and quickly.

However, other people believe that TV has more abilities. Television info is well selected. Moreover, there are many TV viewers of different ages. It is information for children, young people and old people.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because the Internet has age restrictions. Also, nowadays there are special apps and website only for children and other groups of people.

Taking into consideration different opinions, I am completely convinced that the Internet is the best source of information nowadays because there are many abilities and info for people of different ages.


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