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There is nothing we can do to save environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our planet is in critical condition now. Oceans are polluted, warming begins due to neglect of people. Some people believe that we can do nothing to save our planet, while others claim that save environment it is real.

In my opinion people can moreover should save our world because our life on a clean planet depends on us. Firstly, people should use plastic less because all oceans suffer from plastic things. Secondly, during the new year and christmas, people should not buy trees it is harms forests. You just think how many trees are cut down every year for the New Year holidays. Finally bottles, paper is not necessary to throw out. Can be taken to special points for recycling, so garbage will gain a second life.

However, people claim that save our world it is unreal. In their view, because of the large population of the planet, a huge amount of garbage is thrown every day and it is useless to fight it also people in the last hundred years people have invented more than 100,000 chemicals that harm nature.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that , people must competently buy certain products, then there will be much less garbage, moreover if household products are used less, nature will be fine.

In conclusion I believe that people will adhere to these simple rules and love the world. In addition, we should value the planet, because we live on it.


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