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Graffiti as a an individual form of art (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The disputes about whether graffiti should be respected as a separate form of art or not have become rather widespread lately due to increasing of its prevalence amongst the young people and even older ones,

and there is no definite answer for that yet.

To my mind, graffiti is an independent form of artwork and it should be respected just the way people respect such arts as pictures, statue and etc. Firstly, there are many qualified artists whose occupation in based on drawing graffiti professionally. Secondly, as it is most popular among teenagers, it gives them a good way of self-expression. Finally, it also helps them to develop such traits as courage and persistence which are necessary for those drawing graffiti and thus develop their personality.

At any rate, there are many people who do not like such art as this, too. Their point of view is that drawing graffiti, to start with, makes youngsters dissolute marginals as many representatives of this kind of art are drawn unofficially, which violates the law and makes police pursue the «artists». Besides, they think that main part or even all of the graffiti have unacceptable content which also affects youngsters' and children' minds in a bad way.

Yet still, I think that graffiti serve a way which young generation uses to show how they feel to the rest of the world.

To sum up everything, I would like to say once again that such art as graffiti is an individual form of art which is also a good way of self-expression among the youngsters.


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