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Graffiti is an art form that should be respected and admired example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays you will most probably hear that graffiti can also be a direction of art and people should at least respect it, although some people disagree with this statement.

I personally believe that graffiti can be a piece of art and it should be appreciated. First of all, graffiti is a great way to express yourself, which can convey important messages on hot topics or explain something to people. In addition, graffiti can bring abandoned houses and fences to life, making them art objects and places of attraction for young people and tourists.

However, there is an opposing opinion on this issue. Some people claim that usually, graffiti spoil historical sights, monuments or memorial places, and that is disrespectful. They support their opinion by the fact that we should preserve history, and graffiti is vandalism that must be punished by law.

I disagree with this point of view. I think that today young artists use graffiti art as a way of self-realization.

With the help of graffiti, they make statements on topics that excite them, which can later make people think, but also decorate the city, make it brighter and more pleasing to the eye.

In conclusion, I believe that graffiti can be a piece of art and it should be admired and promoted. To make it less like a vandal action, maybe the government should male special places for graffiti creation, agreeing with building owners. Then artists will not be prosecuted, but they will be able to create art that will be liked by everyone.


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