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A popular actor’s life is always fun пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the whole world is watching how famous actors live. Some people think that a popular movie stars’ life is carefree and happy, others suppose that it is not easy being celebrity .

As for me, I support the second opinion. At first, popular actors don’t have a personal life, because they always are monitored by hundred cameras. Paparazzi try to take a photo even during their rest and everyday life. This prevents word order to live. Now there are a huge number of stars’ pictures, which are vigorously discussed by people. Negative comments can introduce actors into depression.

Secondly, celebrity life is always at risk. Due to popular actors are famous and rich, they have a lot of enemies and people who envy them.

Famous movie stars are not only denigrated on the Internet, but also threatened, attempted, robbed in real life. So they are forced to be under constant guard.

However, popular actors get a very big salary. This allows them to live better and happier than others. Celebrity can afford almost everything they wish. Their children are born already in security and stability. In actor’s life there are expensive entertainment and frequent parties.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I can't share it because I suppose a big salary cannot replace peace of mind, safety and save from discussions. The huge amount of money, that stars have, attracts fake friends into their lives. It's not fun.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you cannot judge people only by the cover. After all, perhaps big problems and worries are hiding behind the fun life of popular actors.


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