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People shouldn’t be allowed to work from home because it’s less productive than being in the office (на тему удалённой работы) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem whether people should be allowed to work from home or not has long been under discussion. The statement is rather controversial and people are still in two minds on this point because some of them approve of remote working hours while others go against.

According to my humble opinion, I am absolutely convinced that benefits of working online are unquestionable. First and foremost, extra expenses on the way to office could be excluded because of no necessary to leave houseroom for transferring to workplace. Additionally, working in a free schedule reduces stress by reason of performing duties at your own pace.

Meanwhile, some people claim that remote employees suffer from procrastination on account of unfocused attention. A popular thought is that the control of the chief eliminates the inefficiencies because of increasing concentration.

On the contrary, I would like to remark that the people are wrong expressing such assumptions though their arguments are forceful. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. If you work distantly you do not waste energy on the road consequently the productivity rises. Moreover, statistics confirm that giving an opportunity to control yourself means making fellow workers do the job at full capacity.

In conclusion, taking into account all mentioned above, I would like to refer that people need the possibility of working without the supervision of a boss. The only way to realize this is to resolve working remotely, from a comfortable workplace.


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