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Advertising of a junk food on TV (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Advertising of a junk food on TV is done bright and attractive and it very often causes the desire to taste such products. As a result, people consume twice as much calorie food after watching the advertising of harmful food products. Many people believe that advertising should not be allowed. This suggestion has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, advertising usually tells about the cheap price and taste of junk food, and people forget about the harm it brings. Nowadays the problem of obesity is one of the main problems. Baning advertisements could help combat it. Moreover, chilldren and teenagers are also very impressionable, and a ban on advertising could reduce their desire to eat such food. This suggestion would help to preserve their health.

There are several disadvantages.

For example, advertising helps to find out the price and the place where you can buy snacks or soda. In addition, harmful food is indispensable when there is no time to cook healthy food. Some people just love this kind of food, and it is wrong to deprive them of the information about their favourite chips or fried chicken.

Anyway, millions of companies make money from junk food and its advertising. It is impossible to forbid the showing of it, because it will leave hundreds of thousands of people without work.

All the things considered, I believe that advertising should not disappear completely, but it should be a bit limited. I think it is wrong to accustom people to junk food, because it harms their health.


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