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I am for Late Marriages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is a classic dilemma: your boyfriend wants to get married, but according to relatives’ opinion you are too young for this and you should gain some experience. But actually only you can decide if you are ready for a marriage.

Personally, I think that people should get married as late as possible. Of course, there are a lot of examples of happy couples who started a family very early, but we must admit that this does not happen to most people. I believe there are two reasons for this "injustice".

First of all, young people usually get married because of the fun of family life. But later it often turns out that everything is not so interesting and romantic: your husband no longer brings gifts, constantly asks to cook to eat, you do not have time to spend it together. So people understand that they did not get what they had expected and that they know their spouse very badly.

It’s good if they can overcome this and build a happy family, but most young people just get divorced and get their fingers burnt twice. I think, adults are more serious about starting a family.

Secondly, most young people are not ready for living together with someone else, they do not want and cannot take responsibility for anybody. Their young blood still wants to go out, to be naughty, not to obey and only have fun and carefree life. So your husband comes late at night from friends, does not want to earn money, to fix a leaky tap, and your wife avoids housework, or she becomes a loud mouth wife. I consider, adults want a quiet family life, so they probably cannot have such problems

Perhaps my opinion is very stereotypical. Of course, not all young people behave this way in marriage. But most still do not have a reasonable understanding of family life.


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