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Video games are harmful for people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, video games are becoming more an more popular both among kids and adults. Some people claim that such games are harmful and pointless, while there are people who support computer games.

I strongly believe video games have many advantages. Firstly, games are great for your concentration. Being able to focus on a task for an extended period of time is definitely a skill you can use at school or later, in a job. Secondly, a lot of games also teach decision-making skills. For example, when you have to choose the best way to escape from a burning building in a game, you are learning how to solve problems and use your judgment quickly, and under pressure-skills that will be very useful later in life.

However, some people think that videogames have more disadvantages than advantages.

They believe people who play for hours on end can have problems. Some players can become addicted to their games and begin to prefer their “virtual” lives, where they are always in control. Furthermore, very violent games have a negative effect on players and lead to violence in real life.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. I believe that players can avoid addiction. To keep balance between virtual and real life it is better to have some active hobbies too which will help them become of adrenaline rush, such as going in for sports or playing in a music band. Moreover, people should spend more time with their family and friends.

All in all, I still believe that playing video games is not harmful, unless you spend too much time on them. And while you are playing, you are also developing useful skills that will stay with you for the rest of your time.


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