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Some people say that all video games should be banned + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays video games are increasing in popularity. Different age groups like playing video games, especially teenagers. It is known that games can influence us in different way. But should we block all games as a negative phenomenon or not?

From my point of view, it is not necessary to ban all video games- Firstly, playing video games is a good way to relax and rest from long working day, the same effect all films and series have. Secondly, there are a lot of great games helping people studying and learning something new. For example, kids can use games for learning how to read and pronounce words. Thirdly, games such as RPG make people think in different ways to solve in-game problems. It influences positively on our thinking skills.

However, some people believe that all games should be banned. They consider that games are stealing a lot of time we could use to improve ourselves instead of upgrading games heroes. Besides, games can cause some health problems: overweight, visual impairment and others.

It is quiet debatable question and I respect another point of view. But I am sure that reasonable gaming can have positive impact on people’s life, because games can make people be interested in programming, designing or even in creative work.

To sum up, video games have become an essential part of our culture. Every activity even reading books can be harmful for our health. We just should do everything we want and like moderately. Video games should not be banned, because it is the same that banning cinema or literature for millions of people.

Nizhny Novgorod


January, 9-th

Dear Susan,

Thanks for your recent letter. I was glad to some news from you.

As for your exams, I recommend you to find reasonable ways how you can save extra time for calm work on difficult and more important tasks. Surely, you should learn all theory you need for exams and just practice it more often. As for me, I’m going to take finals in Russian, Math, English and Social Science. We can choose whatever we want to pass, but Russia and Math are required in any case.

By the way, what about your camping vacation? How long are you going to be there? Are you planning to go alone or with friends? Where is this camp located?

I’m sorry, now I need to help my parents. Write soon!

Best wishes,



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