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40. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We can’t imagine our life without friends. Some people claim that making new friends is easy but it is hard to stay friends, while others believe that it is the wrong opinion.

As for me, I hold the opinion of the first group of people. Firstly, it is easy to meet a person with the same interests as you and get to know him or her. You can make a conversation about anything that might be interesting for you and your new friend. Secondly, it is hard to put up with humans’ weaknesses and character difficulties. Thirdly, friends take a lot of your time.

You need to meet with your friends and always think of them.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. Some people are afraid of meetings and they cannot make new friends easily but with old friends they feel comfortable. Furthermore, they believe that it is difficult to start a conversation and find a good theme for a talk.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with this statement, I think that these people are sociopaths. You can choose any popular and simple theme for the begging of conversation. Most people are ready to talk and become acquainted with you.

To sum up, I would like to say that friends are one of the most important parts of our life and people should not afraid of making friends. Besides, we should remember that friendship is hard work.


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