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A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, speaking a foreign language is extremely important. It is required everywhere, that is why language schools and courses are in great demand. Most people think that only a professional teacher is able to help people with learning a foreign language. Though, there is an opposite opinion, that a native speaker or a well-educated person is able to teach the language to others.

In my opinion, people who speak the language fluently are able to teach it in a perfect way. First of all, they must have a good pronunciation, so students will not be confused and misunderstood in daily life. Moreover, people who are fluent in a foreign language can teach their leaners widely used phrases and idioms, which are used by native speakers in everyday language.

However, some people oppose the idea of learning by not professionals. They worry about their teaching skills, because many of them don’t have any degrees in teaching.As a result, they do not know how to deal with students.They do not have any psychological experience.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Foreigners will base on their own experience and teach only useful structures and vocabulary. By the way, they can tell the students some tips, which will help them to memorise more information faster and better.

To sum up, although learning foreign languages might seem quite difficult, I strongly believe that in good hands people are able to achieve great results. It is up to a person which way of learning to choose.


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