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Реферирование по английскому (Школьные сочинения)

The article I'm going to give a review of is taken from the site for self-study of English (engish.com). The headline of the article is “Do we need meat?”. The article presents the views of different people involved in this issue. Among them: Paul Saltman, M. Roy Schwarz, Frank Sachs, Walter Willet and others. The article under discussion is argument about the benefits and harms of meat in the diet.

The topic of the article is reduced meat consumption. The author in the article touches upon the problems of the benefits and harm of meat, as well as vegetarianism. The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are “meat gives the body the necessary elements”, “meat increases the risk of cancer and other diseases”, “the need to reduce meat consumption” and “need for enough iron”.

The author has collected in the article different opinions on the use of meat. Someone thinks that it is necessary for man. After all, it contains important elements such as iron and zinc. And someone thinks that it causes heart problems and cancer.

That is, two opposing points of view are considered. But everyone agrees that meat should be eaten in moderation. Then a recommendation is given on how to do this - eat small portions and lean meat. Also, the diet must necessarily include nutritious foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

The author indicates that the diet has a place to be. But everything requires a choice of the middle of the two extremes and an individual approach.

The author concluded by saying that you need to choose a good nutritionist who can create the right diet for you.

The author uses quotes to show us the opinions of people studying this issue.

From my point of view, you need to eat meat, but in the right amount - which depends on the gender , age and other features and needs of the body.


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