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Sport unites people. Задание 40 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Книга ФКР ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2019

Вербицкая М.В.

20 вариантов.

Задание 40.1, вариант 13

Sport unites people.

Sport is considered to be a thing that brings people together. However, there are people who would not agree with the statement. Therefore, I would like to express my point of view.

In my opinion, sport really unites people. There are some things to be said in favor of my point of view. Firstly, when sportsmen and sportswomen are in one team, they have a common goal to win.

That is why a common desire to win first prize in competition combines the sportsmen and sportswomen. Secondly, fans of the sports team in basketball and football, for example, are also united because of sports. They together worry about their favorite team, go to their live matches or watch them on TV together. All this undoubtedly connects them.

Еven so, there are some people who would not agree with me. They are sure that sport is embroiling people. For example, fans of different sports teams often put up fights and insult each other defending the honor of your favorite sports teams.

To tell the truth, I cannot fully agree with them. I think, the sport does not quarrel people. Today people understand that it is unwise to be aggressive towards each other because the sport is just a game.

Taking everything into account, I want to say that sport really unites people. I hope, I have managed to prove my point of view.

232 слова


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