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Many people enjoy watching television. However, some people believe that it cab be harmful (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People have polar opinions on watching television. Some of them like to watch tv while others believe that tv harms our health. Let us consider the matter from all possible angles.

As for me, I am pretty sure that television is not bad for people. First and foremost, TV helps people relax after a long difficult working day because there is a good choice of musical and entertainment programs on various channels. Moreover, TV has certain educational value: we learn a lot of new information from TV programs.

Bur there are people who do not agree with this point of view. They claim, that watching television is not good to people’s health. Firstly, we will spoil our vision if we watch TV every day. Besides, our brain does not really rest when we focus on a film or another program. Secondly, there are some programs which can not be watched by children, because they show rude behavior and violence. And these telecasts are broadcast by all channels and parents can not control their children.

But I do not see eye to eye with these people. I am sure that our vision will not become worse if we watch TV just one hour a day. And modern TVs give the chance for parents to put the password to control their children’s watching time. And I think it is so convenient.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that watching television is not harmful. There are more positive that negative aspects. But I am ready to see other people’s opinions. So many men, so many minds. Let us agree to differ.


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