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One cannot make real friends online. Реальный экзамен 2019 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Эссе (задание 40) с реального ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2019

One cannot make real friends online.

Nowadays it is considered that a person cannot make a real friendship on the Internet. However, there are people who would not agree with the statement. Therefore, I would like to express my point of view.

In my opinion, it is impossible to make true friends on the Internet. There are some things to be said in favor of my point of view. Firstly, a person on the Internet could be different in real life.

The person can be intelligent and wise online and you like to chat with him or her. However, in real life, he or she can be rude and unwise. Secondly, not all online friends could be honest with you about themselves. For this reason, you cannot make friendship with a person who lied to you about himself or herself.

Even so, there are some people who would not agree with me. They believe that not all people can make friends in real life. For example, disabled people cannot communicate with real-life people. The Internet helps them to make true friends.

To tell the truth, I cannot fully agree with them. I think all people can make friends in real life, without the Internet. People with health problems can meet and make friends with people who have a health problem too. They do not need to chat only online.

Taking everything into account, I want to say that one cannot make real friends online. I hope, I have managed to prove my point of view.

249 слов


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