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One cannot make real friends online Можно ли завести настоящих друзей в интернете? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In my opinion, making friends online is not a perfect idea. To begin with people in the Internet will not always be

there for you because nobody can stay online the whole day spend the whole day online. Thus, you may not get help exactly when you need it. What In addition, online friends can lie about themselves and start making you doing something you do not want to. In this case, you can be bullied. Finally, it is very easy to lose connection with the Internet friend he or she can delete the page in social media.

Nevertheless, there are people who tend to think the Internet friend can become your soul mate. Firstly, there are

you can travel to your friend from other country.

Secondly, you can find somebody with the same interests in Inte special groups in the Internet.

However, I cannot agree with the opinion above. Your parents may not allow you to travel somewhere alone.

The tickets price is high. As for forums, the chance of meeting a real soulmate is small.

To sum up people around you and there is friends in the Internet.

I would like to stress that there are many no need in finding. Sure I met people who make real friendship online, and they send to each other gifts, photos. But they never didnt see each other. Or I know another story when one girl saw her friend. And it was with a lot of emotions.

But i know another story when friend met each other after than they stop communicate with each other, because in real life it was another person with different triets, character.

So, every one must deceived for yourself, je ready get the risk or no?


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