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Everybody understands that we should recycle our waste (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about recycling our waste. Some people strongly believe that we need to recycle them. Others suppose that it is not necessary.

From my point of view, people should recycle waste, collect litter and sorting them in different categories. Firstly, there is not harmful influence on environment, air and water. For example, it is the great way of controlling air, water and land pollution because the number of landfills has decreased and nature has become cleaner. Secondly, recycling waste improves the country’s economy. For instance, recycling creates jobs. If waste is reused as a recourse, the prices of products can come down.

However, other people believe that recycling waste is not important. Moreover, there is need to build incinerators and smoke is released which contains hazardous substances.

Furthermore, many people do not want to sort the litter.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because we can create other processing conditions and replace difficult recyclable garbage with alternative. Also, science is constantly evolving, and the solution to these problems will soon appear.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that recycling waste is important thing in our lives. We should strive to develop recycling in all countries and make our nature pure

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about recycling our waste. Some people strongly believe that we need to recycle them. Others suppose that it is not necessary.

From my point of view, people should recycle waste, collect litter and sorting them in different categories. Firstly, there is not harmful influence on environment, air and water. For example, it is the great way of controlling air, water and land pollution because the number of landfills has decreased and nature has become cleaner. Secondly, recycling waste improves the country’s economy. For instance, recycling creates jobs. If waste is reused as a recourse, the prices of products can come down.

However, other people believe that recycling waste is not important. Moreover, there is need to build incinerators and smoke is released which contains hazardous substances. Furthermore, many people do not want to sort the litter.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because we can create other processing conditions and replace difficult recyclable garbage with alternative. Also, science is constantly evolving, and the solution to these problems will soon appear.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that recycling waste is important thing in our lives. We should strive to develop recycling in all countries and make our nature pure


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