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Progress is good for mankind (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about the role of progress in our life. Some people strongly believe that progress is very necessary for everyone. Others suppose that there is a negative influence for people.

From my point of view, progress improves our lives and makes lives easier. Firstly, it allows medicine to develop. For example, there were created drugs for different diseases, medical equipments and special machines for surgery. Secondly, progress allows to improve people’s life. For instance, there were created vehicles, electronic equipment, TV, mobile phones and much more for comfortable lives of people.

However, other people believe that progress has the other side. It allows many country to make a dangerous weapon.

Moreover, a lot of countries have atomic bombs at the moment which are danger for the whole world.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because the existence of such dangerous weapons prevents wars. Also, it stimulates other countries to develop and improve the quality of progress.

To sum up, I am completely convinced that progress is useful for mankind because it helps people in every spheres of life.

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about the role of progress in our life. Some people strongly believe that progress is very necessary for everyone. Others suppose that there is a negative influence for people.

From my point of view, progress improves our lives and makes lives easier. Firstly, it allows medicine to develop. For example, there were created drugs for different diseases, medical equipments and special machines for surgery. Secondly, progress allows to improve people’s life. For instance, there were created vehicles, electronic equipment, TV, mobile phones and much more for comfortable lives of people.

However, other people believe that progress has the other side. It allows many country to make a dangerous weapon. Moreover, a lot of countries have atomic bombs at the moment which are danger for the whole world.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because the existence of such dangerous weapons prevents wars. Also, it stimulates other countries to develop and improve the quality of progress.

To sum up, I am completely convinced that progress is useful for mankind because it helps people in every spheres of life.


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