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Distance learning is the best way of getting education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, learning from a distance is becoming more popular. People have always wondered about how is it better to learn and this issue is pretty controversial. That is the reason why some people consider that the best way to learn is to learn online, while others cannot agree with them.

In my opinion, it is better to have lessons at school than in front of the computer screen. Firstly, students have to spend a lot of time sitting at the desk, and it means that not only students' eyesight gets worse. It also can cause serious problems with the nervous system and spine. Secondly, it is obviously better to get all the explanations from a face-to-face conversation with a teacher.

That is why distance learning is quite ineffective.

Despite that, some people think that online schooling makes students more productive in comparison with the "offline" one. They claim that this way of education helps to manage the time and let students do other things like hobbies and all domestic duties in a more effective way.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree that online education makes pupils more productive. For ones, who easily get distracted on anything, distance learning can become a meaningful difficulty. The lack of concentration, the tendency to procrastinate – all these things can make the student spend a whole day doing assignments.

To conclude, I do not think that distance learning is the ideal method of learning. Spending a lot of time next to the computer worsens your health and sometimes the process of getting education becomes hard just due to its online form.


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