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Mass media (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

If I had to do a report about the events in our country and abroad i would definitely use different mass media. For example if I had to talk about one of the most pressing issues of the world like Covid-19 I would first of all use the Internet. It would provide me with uptodate information, various informative diagrams and charts. There are also many different sites with detailed descriptions of symptoms and online maps which show the distribution of the virus.

I would also use books like encyclopaedias and medical referent books in order to add some details about the illness. I also think that it would be useful to compare the statistics from the Internet and TV because it can be different because of different ways of estimation and calculation.

And in order to present my report to the audience I would definitely use power point presentations because I can add there not only the text but also the pictures, different diagrams and also links to different websites.

I woul also use different printed handouts, which would help to understand the topic better.

And by the way there have been 166 million off infection cases and more than 3 million 4 hundred thousand people has died from all over the world.

These days, people use completely different media. Their choice mainly depends on what they are more convenient to use. Among the younger generation, the Internet is in great demand. Adults prefer to get information from the TV or from the newspapers.

ut everyone should decide for himself who is more convenient.


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