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Creative hobbies help to cope with stress (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A lot of people often have to deal with stress nowadays. Some of them believe art hobbies can help to manage stress, others have a different opinion.

Personally, I think having interests in different art activities helps to handle stress. First, it brings people peace and satisfaction. There are even special anti-stress colourings for dealing with anxiety. Second, creative hobbies can distract people from their problems, work and daily routine.

However, some people claim that art interests cannot cope with stressful situations. People never will be able to abstract from reality. Even if one has some creative hobbies, it brings him much more stress because it is always hard to be successful in such things.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with the opposing opinion. Creative hobbies help people to manage with anxiety because it contributes to total immersion in the process. In that case, people just forget about their stress.

To sum up, despite the fact that many people do not believe creative interests can help to handle stress, I have a different opinion. I am convinced that art hobbies play a considerable role in overcoming stress and pressure. Undoubtedly, if people do not have such hobbies as drawing, singing or dancing, everyone would be under stress forever.


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