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It's always better to travel on your own than in a group (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people enjoy travelling. Someone prefers to travel on theit own, the others spend their time in a group.

In my opinion, travelling on your own is not better than with your friends, because when you are in a group, you will not feel lonely. Your friends will help you in a difficult situations. Moreover, you can share your feelings and emotions with them. None of us will trust strangers and tell them everything. One more reason is planning a journey, which is always stressful, especially if you do not know the language of the place you are going to. That is why travelling in a group is easier.

However, other people say that while travelling on your own you are independent, you do not have to wait for your friends and can go evertwhere you want.

They also say that it is a good chance to meet new people and make friends with the same interests.

I cannot fully agree with this opinion. Certainly I understand that travelling alone you do not take to mind a desire of other people, but when you are planning a trip you discuss what places to visit, so there will not be so many problems. Secondly, if you travel in a group, you can also make more friends.

To sum it up, I would like to say that travelling on your own does not seem to me more advantageous than in a group. On the contrary, I consider it more exciting to travel in a group when I can always find someone to rely on in travellings or to share my feelings.


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