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Nowadays question about Internet’s influence on people’s behavior is becoming more and more popular (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays question about Internet’s influence on people’s behavior is becoming more and more popular. We cannot imagine our modern life without the Internet. However, there are a lot of people who really believe that it makes us less skilled in communication than we used to be.

I am absolutely sure that the Internet is one of the greatest inventions which has made our lives much more comfortable and interesting. Firstly, it can help us to learn something new and become successful in anything. Secondly, we can text friends and relatives from all around the world. So that way we stay close with important people far away. Thirdly, the Internet gives people chance to meet new friends from different cities and countries.

Instance, some people and especially teenagers are afraid to share problems with their families. But they can find people with same problems and solve them together. So the Internet can teach how to make friends.

Nevertheless, people who have another point of view consider that the Internet make us unsociable. Furthermore, they think that we become addicted to social networks and stop communicating in real lives.

But I totally do not agree with that because social networks can help people to start communication and then they continue it in real life. Also we can make ourselves more developed and skilled due to the Internet to communicate with different people.

Taking into account both views, I am convinced that Internet does not make us lose real life social skills.


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