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Some people think that the best way of regarding students is giving oral praise to them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Education is a very important part of everyone's life. But there are a lot of different opinions whether to regard students or not.

In my opinion, praising children is a very effective way to motivate them for studying. But I think that there are other better ways to praise them. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to give material support as stimulation for better studies. What is more, it is important to give children material praise for victories in some competitions ot successful projects. This kind of praise helps students to develop their skills and go further. Moreover, it can be the first salary for students, they will learn how to earn money by themselves and be independent.

Other people say that the only good way is oral praise for students.

They say that material support leads to egoism and children will spend money on everything they want.

However, I disagree with this point of view, because we do not say about big and undeserved money, but only about bonuses and grants for good studies. In addition, oral praise should be combined with other kinds of support.

In conclusion, I would like to say that giving only oral praise to students is ineffective.

Education is a very important part of everyone's life. But there are a lot of different opinions whether to regard students or not.

In my opinion, praising children is a very effective way to motivate them for studying. But I think that there are other better ways to praise them. Firstly, sometimes it is necessary to give material support as stimulation for better studies. What is more, it is important to give children material praise for victories in some competitions ot successful projects. This kind of praise helps students to develop their skills and go further. Moreover, it can be the first salary for students, they will learn how to earn money by themselves and be independent.

Other people say that the only good way is oral praise for students. They say that material support leads to egoism and children will spend money on everything they want.

However, I disagree with this point of view, because we do not say about big and undeserved money, but only about bonuses and grants for good studies. In addition, oral praise should be combined with other kinds of support.

In conclusion, I would like to say that giving only oral praise to students is ineffective.


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