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Мой день в школе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Hey the person, who is reading it right now. I wanna tell you about my topical day.

I wake up early and then I begin my preparation to my school. I very like to go to school, becouse I have a lot of friends there. I wash my teeth and wash my body. After taking the shower I begin to eat. My usual breakfast is some fried eggs and a cup of tea, becouse I am not hungry in the morning. Then I set my school bag and take on my clouse. Usually it is school form.

After preparation I go to the bus stop and wait several minutes for the bus. I wanna say several words about the bus. It is big yellow car and the bus driver is cool. He always say to us "good morning". The road to the school is about 15 minutes, it is not so much time, right? Us I said before I very like my school, becouse of my friends.

Actually I do not loke several lessons. It is math. I am not good enough in this subject becouse I am not learning very well. My mother think that I can learn better. My school marks is about 4. My favourite subject at the school is drawing. Since my childhood I do it so well that I won some awards. My father proud of me becouse of it so am .He told me that I am very talanted. My best schoolfriend is Boris. He is smarter than me, but I am stronger than him.

After several lessons I go to the bus and we are moving toward my home/ My Mam is already there. She ask me about the schoolday and the marks I get. After the lunch I do my hometask and I go to walk. I meet my friends and we are going to play some football. It is very cool game. We are playing for two hours. At the evening I come to home and watch TW for the end of the day. That is my topical day


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