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Как справиться с буллингом в школе / How to handle with bullying (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Hello Jen,

I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through this problem and as you asked, I’m going to give you some advices which I think may be helpful.

First of all, you should try to talk with them, but the main point is your talk supposes to be by face to face with each kid who is laughing at you. Sometimes youngers try to seem cool in their band and all together they feel themselves more confident than by their own. So, when you have an eye-to-eye talk your aggressor can understand you and stop bullying. Don’t forget that your image has to be full of confident and braveness, talk peaceful, don’t feel yourself as a victim. People and animals are having some similarities, especially teenagers. They are able to feel when someone is weaker and feels fear, and they will try to show to others their strong possession and domination. Don’t let this type of kids ruin your life.

These savages or people who bothered you actually don’t have a lot of aims.

They can be just bored and entertain yourselves by this route, or they enjoy seeing reactions on their doings.

When you show your unfairness to bullies or just stop to react or even ignore them, it might help, they could lose interest to you. Actually, first advice always works and usually this is enough but when you can’t cope by yourself how about to explain the situation to your teacher? If you have a not indifferent one you are lucky and they may help you. There is nothing wrong if you can’t handle with something alone and ask for help.

Remember that the biggest part of kids will grow up one day. Try to enjoy your school life, your current age and struggle with bullies, know your rights. Than more you are confident in yourself than better you are doing. Don’t be a victim and don’t be an animal, be a person and believe in yourself. I’m sure you can everything whatever you want and all these little kids which disturb you don’t cost your nerves and any piece of attention. Write me back to share how its going. I’m waiting for your respond.


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