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Playing football is better than watching it (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no denying the fact that football is the most popular game in the world. Many people are in favour of the idea that watching football can deliver the same feelings as if you ran on the field. Others claim it is impossible to understand football not being involved in the game process.

To my mind, every game should present an activity, so football is not an exception. To begin with, regular run with a ball can positively affect our body. Moreover, direct involvement in the game process helps to understand specific rules. Last but not least, contacts with other people, participation in different competitions strengthen our mental state.

However, some people argue that it more comfortable to stay at home and watch football matches on TV.

Firstly, you can enjoy spending time with your friends or family in the sport bar, for example. Secondly, you can watch a match and do others activities or eat at the same time. Thirdly, football players are not protected from injuries.

I cannot agree with the opposing opinion. You can make a new acquaintance playing football in the yard. Furthermore, spending time in fresh air is much better than sitting at home and gaining weight.

To sum up, there are two views on the problem of engagement in football, but I think there is no greater pleasure than running with a ball and feeling yourself like a famous sportsman.


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