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40 задание по английскому Exams motivate students to study hardly (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Exams make students study more diligently. Some people agree with this point of view whereas others think that students suffer from large number of quizzes.

In my opinion, nowadays education is full of stress, after all, classmen have a lot of tests and do not get sufficient knowledge. Firstly, when students fail their exams, they begin to get rattled thinking that they are not smart enough. Secondly, some students could abandon their education because of failed exams. Moreover, I think that after passed exams students are not motivated to study harder, after all, they need only relaxation.

There is an opposite point of view. Some people believe that good results of exams motivate students to become smarter in the sphere of their education.

They could explain that according to statistics of successful undergrads, who made progress in tuition due to tests and quizzes.

However, I do not believe that exams could trigger students off to do something except hating the education. To my mind, quizzes just make students become nervous and too tense.

Despite a large numbers of opinions, I will always keep to my point of view and I have no plans to change my mind about the influence of exams to students` education.

Exams make students study more diligently. Some people agree with this point of view whereas others think that students suffer from large number of quizzes.

In my opinion, nowadays education is full of stress, after all, classmen have a lot of tests and do not get sufficient knowledge. Firstly, when students fail their exams, they begin to get rattled thinking that they are not smart enough. Secondly, some students could abandon their education because of failed exams. Moreover, I think that after passed exams students are not motivated to study harder, after all, they need only relaxation.

There is an opposite point of view. Some people believe that good results of exams motivate students to become smarter in the sphere of their education. They could explain that according to statistics of successful undergrads, who made progress in tuition due to tests and quizzes.

However, I do not believe that exams could trigger students off to do something except hating the education. To my mind, quizzes just make students become nervous and too tense.

Despite a large numbers of opinions, I will always keep to my point of view and I have no plans to change my mind about the influence of exams to students` education.


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