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Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays tourism is very popular all around the world. People enjoy investigating and discovering something new. Some prefer independent travel but others like organized tours. Let me consider who is right.

From one point of view? Independent travel is very comfortable. Firstly, you do not have to follow w plan that you do not like. Moreover? You do not have to stay with a big group of people. This is very uncomfortable and annoying when you have to wait for everyone. In addition, you do not depend on anybody. You can change your plans whenever you want.

From the other point of view, organized travels have positive sides too. Some people choose this type of travelling because they do not have to spend their time on looking for accommodation, tickets and etc.

But I cannot agree with them.

Firstly, it is always better to choose everything by yourself. You can combine your wishes and purposes. Moreover, when you organize your trip you find out something new and interesting about the place you are going to visit.

To sum up, there are many people and all of them have their own opinions. Anyway, I believe that self-organized travels are better ones, that planned by tour firms. However, the main part of the trip is to discover a new country and find out something new about a foreign culture. Both of these types of travelling allow you doing this. So, this is for you to decide which type of travelling you will choose.

I really try to do my best when I was writing this essey. Hope, that it will help you in your preparations to the main exams. See you later)

Good luck!


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