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“The best holidays and weekends are with national traditions” (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that holidays play an important role in modern life. Many people think that the best special occasions are those with national traditions, whereas others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, celebrating nationwide holidays has a beneficial effect on people’s life. Firstly, it gives them an opportunity to learn more about old customs and traditions of their place. Hence, it is useful for their mental development. Secondly, country becomes stronger because citizens get united by the national idea and are proud of their home land. Finally, it makes people love and appreciate native place.

However, there are those who think that ethnic holidays cannot benefit the society.

According to their opinion, people can misunderstand some unusual traditions. Therefore, there is a risk to provoke arguments between different nationalities. Additionally, it may be harmful to the interconnection between cultures which is significant for the globalization.

Despite this, I cannot agree with these statements. Today the main goal of ethnic occasions is to reach tolerance and have a peaceful atmosphere in the world. What is more, preservation of national culture will help the country to establish good international relations with other states and know each other better.

In conclusion, even though there are different points of view on this problem, I am inclined to believe that nationwide events affect people’s and countries’ progress.

I am hoping that mine point of view is understandable for anyanyone who read it. Merci for your time friends.

I really hope about that this text will help somebody with his future exams)


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