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Influence of smofing at the health Влияние курения на здоровье (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I have read an interesting statement on MaltaToday newspaper’s site recently. It is connected with work of customs, and I am going to become a customs officer, so it was really informative and useful for me. This statement made an impression on me.

The statement is about detecting smuggling of cigarettes in Malta. A man from Swieqi, the town in Malta, was interdicted during the latest Customs department operation in connection with illegal import of more than thirty one thousands of cigarettes. For this moment, this man is arraigned in court. The man was under surveillance by officials for several hours before he was intercepted while making a delivery to a garage in Cospicua, another Malta’s town. All of contraband cigarettes as well as the smuggler’s car were confiscated. The owner of the garage also had five thousands contraband cigarettes, and there were also reports of regular sales from the garage to the public.

There were several operations like this, during which cigarettes were seized in different points in Malta, varying from bars and supermarkets to the airport.

Generally, detecting smuggling and protecting the economy of the country are one of the main goals of customs service. Smuggling is the most common problem in international trade. This statement made me an example of interdicting smuggler. As you know, excise taxes should be payed for production or import of cigarettes. But of course people do not want to pay money, especially including not only import customs tax, but also an excise tax, which is a great amount of money. This fact makes cigarettes one of the most common commodity to smuggle.


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