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Family has the most important influence on us (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that family has the strongest impact on is while others claim that relatives does not play the main role in our lives. This issue requires further consideration.

To my mind, family has a whopping place in our daily lives. To start with, a child receives first experience in a variety of things from parents, who teach him or her how to make steps, read and count, explain moral rules and so on. Moreover, an infant is usually emotionally bounded with parents. In our childhood we share a lot of secrets and plenty of different thoughts with family, who can help with our problems and guide in a right way.

However, quite many people think differently. Their main argument is that society and people around us have more impact because the more we grow up, the more considerable amount of time we spend with other people comparing to family.

For example, a person has to deal with and solve lots of problems in different ways without a family support and only such kind of issues can form a person as an adult.

Still, I cannot fully share this position because close-knit family means ‘home’ where a person can rest, obtain support and get parental care which can sure us mentally and give us power to fight with problems.

Overall, despite certain arguments against, there is no doubt for me that relatives keep the major role in person’s life. Family gives us foundation in physical and mental skills which helps us to deal with very complex gaps.


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