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Does self-esteem promote the success and happiness of man in life? Here is the problem that EA discusses. Permyak. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Does self-esteem promote the success and happiness of man in life? Here is the problem that EA discusses. Permyak.

The author of the text puts his thoughts about self-esteem in an interesting form: he talks about a crow that dreamed of being famous. What did not the proud bird do! But, "applying yourself in life not according to your abilities and abilities, " the crow from the surrounding people caused only laughter. With irony E.Permjak speaks that the bird has achieved peak of glory, becoming a black crow after visit to a hairdressing salon.

But the glory that she dreamed of all her life, made her life unbearable ...

The author's position is clear: "False self-esteem engenders sick self-conceit, " which leads a person not to success, but to the collapse of his dream.

I completely agree with the writer's opinion: in most cases, self-love ruins people, making them selfish and ambitious.

This was said by Aristotle, arguing that "egoism does not consist in the love of oneself, but in greater than it should be the extent of this love." That is, when in immense narcissism a person forgets everything except observance of one's own interests, satisfaction of one's personal needs and desires, nothing but blame can provoke it.

Feeling of love for himself, Tsar Dmitry, is imbued with the tragedy of Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov "Demetrius the Pretender." According to the idea of &񗜻&񗜻the author, the protagonist creates all the atrocities due to the fact that he considers himself above all others. Dmitry thinks that he has the right to command everyone how he wants it: to kill innocent people, to violate laws. His ambitions exceed all possible limits, he forgets not only about official laws, but also about moral values. It was selfishness that caused this man's tragedy.

Thus, I can conclude that self-esteem is not the best feature of a person who does not lead to success, will not bring happiness in life.

Feeling of love for himself, Tsar Dmitry, is imbued with the tragedy of Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov "Demetrius the Pretender." According to the idea of &񗜻&񗜻the author, the protagonist creates all the atrocities due to the fact that he considers himself above all others.


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