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Do you need to be persistent in difficult moments of life, that's the problem that A. Platonov discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Do you need to be persistent in difficult moments of life, that's the problem that A. Platonov discusses.

The author with respect and sympathy tells us about the hard life of a small flower, which literally fought to survive. Neither the rocky soil that gave birth to it, nor the severe wind, nor the absence of water-nothing could break the stubborn plant. His torment was not in vain. The flower not only survived, but also dissolved the long-awaited corolla, which was as clear as a star, "shimmered even in the dark night." A persistent flower conquered death!

The author's position is clear: "We must work hard, be persistent in order to live and not die ..."

I fully agree with the author's opinion: this flower survived due to its stamina and endurance.

The thirst for life - that's what fueled it daily.

About the courageous Christmas tree, which fought for her life, tells in one of his stories VP Astafyev. This tree was cleverly arranged on a stub-parent. It fan fanned out the sticky threads of rootlets, and the main root with a white stigma dug into the middle of the stump. Small rootlets sucked moisture from the moss, and the root of the center was screwed into the stump, procuring food. The author believes that herringbone very well mastered the law of life: "He who does not grow, dies!"

A vivid example of endurance, strength of spirit and will can serve as the life of the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. He, being deaf, wrote wonderful musical works. Only through perseverance, faith in the best, Beethoven became the most famous composer of the world ...

Thus, I can conclude: each of us must fight, work, be persistent in order to achieve the desired result.The author with respect and sympathy tells us about the hard life of a small flower, which literally fought to survive. Neither the rocky soil that gave birth to it, nor the severe wind, nor the absence of water-nothing could break the stubborn plant. His torment was not in vain. The flower not only survived, but also dissolved the long-awaited corolla, which was as clear as a star, "shimmered even in the dark night." A persistent flower conquered death!


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