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The disproportion between the spiritual and the material in a person's life is the problem over which Yu.M. Lotman. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The disproportion between the spiritual and the material in a person's life is the problem over which Yu.M. Lotman.

The author of this text is concerned that people in the pursuit of things often forget about spiritual things. Yu. Lothman is not against the fact that fellow citizens decorate their everyday life with comfortable and beautiful things. He fears that in the pursuit of each new thing a person "loses his personality", this leads to the devastation of the human soul.

The position of the author is clear: "The growth of spiritual interests must overtake the interest in things."

I completely agree with the author's opinion: in the life of man and society, a harmonious combination of spiritual and material needs is necessary.

Remember the work of APChekhov "Gooseberries", where all the thoughts of the protagonist, Nikolai Ivanovich, focus on property, the whole life is spent on purchasing a farm with a garden in which gooseberries grow.

For the sake of his dreams, the hero was malnourished, he did not sleep enough, he married an unloved woman, but with money, and at the age of old age he achieved the desired goal ... But how did the newly born "master" change! A miserable dream turned him into a wretched and vulgar person.

Almost two centuries have passed, and the disparity between spiritual and material in some parts of society has remained the same. Look at the ads on the Internet! How many are eager to collect at home a collection of unique pipes, paintings, sculptures! And among them, the ones are real collectors, and all the rest are just vulgar townsfolk, trying to cover up for a thing with some high thoughts.

I come to the conclusion that if the pursuit of material values &񗜻&񗜻outweighs the spiritual aspirations of people, this will only lead to the degradation of human individuality.

The disproportion between the spiritual and the material in a person's life is the problem over which Yu.M. Lotman.

The author of this text is concerned that people in the pursuit of things often forget about spiritual things. Yu. Lothman is not against the fact that fellow citizens decorate their everyday life with comfortable and beautiful things. He fears that in the pursuit of each new thing a person "loses his personality", this leads to the devastation of the human soul.

The position of the author is clear: "The growth of spiritual interests must overtake the interest in things."

I completely agree with the author's opinion: in the life of man and society, a harmonious combination of spiritual and material needs is necessary.

Remember the work of APChekhov "Gooseberries", where all the thoughts of the protagonist, Nikolai Ivanovich, focus on property, the whole life is spent on purchasing a farm with a garden in which gooseberries grow. For the sake of his dreams, the hero was malnourished, he did not sleep enough, he married an unloved woman, but with money, and at the age of old age he achieved the desired goal ... But how did the newly born "master" change! A miserable dream turned him into a wretched and vulgar person.

Almost two centuries have passed, and the disparity between spiritual and material in some parts of society has remained the same. Look at the ads on the Internet! How many are eager to collect at home a collection of unique pipes, paintings, sculptures! And among them, the ones are real collectors, and all the rest are just vulgar townsfolk, trying to cover up for a thing with some high thoughts.

I come to the conclusion that if the pursuit of material values &񗜻&񗜻outweighs the spiritual aspirations of people, this will only lead to the degradation of human individuality.


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