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Street of my childhood (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Childhood is a kind of personal freedom, without special responsibilities, complex problems and domestic concerns. At this age only happy and more vivid moments in life are remembered, which you often remember later. We lived before, before moving to a big city, in a small house in a narrow street, drowning in cherry trees. There were a lot of us: my dad with my mother, my brother and my grandfather and my grandmother. Now the older generation has to live in the city where I spent my happy childhood. We often come to visit them, and I can already look at the street of my childhood with other eyes, a little grown up girls. Then the trees were big. I remembered it just like that. With a quiet sadness I walk along this street, where I managed to get acquainted with the surrounding world, to make my first steps in life.

I remember also the children's playground, where there was a small sandbox, on which constantly babbling babies, well, I among them, of course.

We had a lot of blades, a robber, buckets and all that is so "vital" for playing in the sand. We were very happy that no one bothers us and does not command us. Although my grandmothers were watching us carefully from their shops.

When I was a little older, I was already allowed to ride on a yellow swing, climb on a rainbow-bar. Next to our wicket, our parents organized their own playground, with benches, a table. All this was made by our dads from ordinary logs. Until now, I remember these shops, in which, in the shade of cherry trees, my friends and I intensively brought up the dolls and "baked" pies made of sand. On the neighboring benches that stood all over the street at each house, grandmothers always sat, they discussed something, not forgetting to observe and control their finest grandchildren in the world.

I remember very well the spring on our street. Cherry trees began to blossom, the spectacle is simply unimaginable. The whole street was white. There were a lot of bees on each tree, but they never bitten me. And also our house had a large fragrant bush of bird cherry and lilac. We and the house always had a big bouquet of these flowers, we always remember it, living already on the street of a big metropolis.

I often remember and probably will remember it always, my childhood street. At that time it was for me a real huge world, and maybe the universe. There were girlfriends and friends, relatives, carelessness and childhood ... Each of us living on this land should have such a street or a courtyard. We all grow up, and the years of childhood are still protected from all worries, so childhood is called cloudless and is remembered very tenderly and warmly. Maybe because our parents protected us from all worries and worries, that's why childhood is called happy and carefree.


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