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38. TV shows, activities (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of types of TV shows nowadays. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore what types of shows people in Zetland mostly prefer to watch on TV. I have found a table with some data on the subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 61% of the surveyed prefer to watch true crime shows, making this type the most popular. It is also worth mentioning, that slightly more than 15% of the people chose stand-up shows (14percent).

The least popular shows are sports programs, at 5 %.

The table also shows that people, who prefer to watch true crime shows twice as many people as those who enjoy music shows. It can be seen that society prefer to listen to music in music apps, not on TV.

One problem that can arise with watching TV is that a lot of people watching TV programs become sedentary. To solve this problem people should pay less attention to TV and spend more time on the open air and breathe clean oxygen.

In my opinion, TV is not play an important role in our life, because our society trying to get better. People make time for spots and proper nutrition, living without TV.

The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore what activities are most popular with senior citizens in Zetland. As a part of my project I have found some table on this subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 39 percentage of the respondents want to spend time with family and friends on leisure time, making it the most popular activity. It is also worth mentioning, almost a fifth of the senior reading in free time (17%). The least popular activity is gardening, at 8%.

The table also shows that people considering watching TV is three times more than those who prefer gardening. It can be seen that gardening take a lot of efforts, so old generation prefer to watch TV programs.

One problem that can arise with leisure time is that senior citizens have a large amount of time, because they do not have to work. To solve this problem people should not waste time better they must look after the next generation.

In conclusion I think, that senior citizens should rest, because they have lived a long life full of different situations.


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