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37. Translation technology, cooking (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dear Chloe,

Thanks for your email. I was so happy to hear from you again.

In your message you asked my about modern translation technology. To tell the truth, I haven’t heard about this gadget.

y the way, I can suppose that this earbuds translate speech without problems. As for me, I use a usual translate app and I have enough. I don’t think that translator can help you learn foreign languages. The app can help out in difficult times amount foreigners, but if you want to learn new language you should take private lessons with a tutor.

By the way, I want to ask you several questions.

Where was the concert located? How long has it been? Who was on the stage?

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

Best wishes,


Dear Nora,

Thanks for your email. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me about cooking. To tell the truth, I really enjoy cooking. I can say that I am good at cooking, because I cook delicious food for my family every day. Most of times my mum cooks food, but sometimes my dad and I can do it. As for me, I consider Japanese food, because sushi is my favourite food as they are made from raw fish.

By the way, I want to ask you several questions. What dishes do you know from the book? Who is author? How many pages does the book has?

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

Best wishes,



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