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Money — the only way to success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I disagree with this statement. Money alone cannot be a way to success. Success is a very subjective term, as it differs from an individual to another. However, money alone cannot be the answer to success as people often think. Success is an individual journey that involves many factors including, talent, hard work, luck, opportunity, and yes money is one of the factors.

But money without talent and hard work is useless. The combination of money and hard work could lead one to success, but if one does not work hard and use his talent correctly, then no amount of money can lead him to success.

Money does have its importance in the path of success. It plays a role in providing opportunities and resources for an individual to grow and develop himself.

It offers people ways to access education, training, and equipment to develop their talents and use them in finding success.

Money is a necessary resource in life that can be used to achieve success, but it is not an end in itself. There are many other things that should be considered more important in life, such as happiness, family, friends and helping those in need. A person should not be focused only on getting rich, but on achieving a fulfilling and meaningful life. Money is just a means to an end.

In conclusion, money is an important factor in life, however, it is not a determinant factor for reaching success. Hard work and determination, passion and dedication are the foundations of success, while money can help and assist those on their path to success. It is the individual's effort and hard work that can make their dreams and aspirations come true. It is important to focus on the right things in life and not just a single factor. Money can help, but it is not the only way to success.


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