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In the past, most people worked for small businesses, while more people now work for large businesses. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for large businesses? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the quantity big business is more rising than small ones. Although I admit that of this trend, I strongly believe that there are more benefits because of some reasons.

It is undeniable that there are several drawbacks, to some extent in terms of difficulties in getting a job and health.

egarding the former, it demands specific abilities and a respectable motivation letter or recommendation from other employees. Moreover, high competition account for some problems for many people. One noticeable example of the male lead in the film "Pursue Happiness" is Kris Garden, who did his best only for getting the job and educate his son. The other major point is the negative influence of large companies on conscience employers.

It should be noted that many huge businesses are so noisy and demand accurate calculations and focus on the job. Hence, a lot of workers are not capable of working efficiently in these conditions. Everything can exacerbate to cause stress, just death.

Despite the aforementioned arguments, the huge business had positive aspects. Firstly, it is building a career more quickly than a small business. In addition, in large companies, there are golden opportunities for going up in careers, such as connections among clients, and employees. Another thing is well pay job, rich experience and a remarkable CV. To give an example Kris Garden, who had a highly paid job and a great CV helped to bring up his son and give the beliefs of numerous entrepreneurs respectively.

In conclusion, some points can allow large businesses to be more plus than negative, because colossal business has more facilities and advanced than small ones.


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