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A person can have only 1 true friend (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

This quote comes from the idea that true friendship is an incredible gift that is rare and unique to find in life. The quote highlights the special bond and connection that comes with truly knowing and understanding another person, and that a true friendship is something that is incredibly special and valuable. The quote is a reminder to cherish the friends that we find in our lives and to appreciate the rarity and beauty of a true friendship. It is a quote that highlights the value of friendship and connection and reminds us how precious our friends are to us.

That quote comes from the philosophy of Buddhism which places great importance on the value of friendship and connection.

Buddhism sees life as a journey towards enlightenment and towards the ultimate goal of Nirvana, which is a state of enlightenment and peace that comes from understanding and accepting the impermanence of life and the suffering and pain that comes with it.

The idea that life is a journey of both suffering and beauty, and that friendship is a beautiful and valuable part of that, is a central concept in Buddhism. So the quote comes from the

uddhist concept of true friendship and how much of an impact it can have on a person's life.

The concept of true friendship is something that is deeply rooted in the Buddhist belief system. One of the core pillars of Buddhism is the belief that life is full of suffering and pain, but that by following the teachings of the

Buddha and understanding the impermanence of life and accepting a state of Nirvana, you can reduce your suffering and live in a state of enlightenment and joy. The idea of true friendship is also something that is essential to

Buddhist philosophy, as Buddhism teaches that compassion and connection are some of the strongest bonds that exist, and that true friendship is another one which can help you along your journey to enlightenment and peace.

The value and the importance of true friendship is deeply rooted in Buddhism and is an essential part Of the philosophy and teachings of the Buddha. The concept of true friendship is about compassion and connection, and it is a bond that is central to Buddhism and the pursuit of enlightenment. True friendship is a precious and valuable thing, and it is a state of mind that the Buddha considered ideal and important in its pursuit of peace and harmony in the world. So the value of true friendship is something that is incredibly important and essential to the Buddhist philosophy and the pursuit of enlightenment.


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