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What fields are robots used in nowadays? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays, most of people use gadgets and robots for daily routine. Robots help us to create difficult details at factories. My progect, which i am still working on, is aimed to finding out what fields are robots used in nowadays.

I can identify two main features, presented in the table. How we can see, the most of robots (50%) are used in industry, which means that majority of modern robots work for creating different details in the factories, while tne minority of them (5%) are used in transportand vehicle.

It also worth mentioning, that robots using in medicine are more popular then robots, which are used in science with difference in 10 persent.

In my opinion, the main problem of robots in the modern life is reduction of work places in factories. The immence number of employee are fired, due to robots which make people. s job faster and better. The way of solving the problem is retraining of unemployed, because after this, every person can find new job.

In conclusion, robots are extremly usful for all of people, robots can extract heavy metals and keep houses clean.

Owing to robots people do not need to take risk to mine uranium or build rockets.

Оценка эксперта:

Nowadays, most of people use gadgets and robots

Many people

My progect
Spelling mistake

in nowadays
In - нужно убрать

while tne minority of them (5%)

transportand vehicle

more popular then robots

It also worth mentioning
it is also

The immence number of employee are fired
Spelling mistake

extremly usful
Spelling mistake

Owing to robots people do not need to take risk to mine uranium or build rockets.
Запятая после robots

Много ошибок в написании слов, потренируйтесь в написании

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