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The amount of litter we produce (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Litter in our streets is one of the most serious problems that our cities and towns have to deal with nowadays. What are we going to do with all this litter?

To begin with, it is important to get young people involved in clean-up programmes. As a result they would become interested in keeping parks and their neighbourhoods this clean and tidy. You need to start with yourself, with small plots, and then people will understand that it's not difficult at all. And the involvement of young people will help them realize at an early age that it is important to clean up garbage. And when it is done together with other people, it encourages and makes it easier to do the work. Moreover, everyone is pleased to live in a good environment, in a clean environment.

And it is by starting with yourself that you can achieve results.

Another solution would be to set up recycling schemes in your area. It is very convenient to recycle garbage and give it a second life. After all, we consume too much, but our planet is not bottomless. And a lot of the materials that we throw away do not decompose. And even if they decompose, they are very slow and this is not enough, because the consumption of new products and the throwing out of new garbage exceeds all the periods of decomposition of old garbage.

Finally, it would be a good idea to only buy products with biodegradable packaging. If this was done, household rubbish would be put to good use in the amount of garbage would be greatly reduced. Well, or you need to introduce a law that allows you to enter the store with your packages, and raise the prices of packages in the store significantly. People will start thinking before going to the store and will make a habit of carrying a grocery bag with them. It won't be a problem anymore. Well, if you don't want to buy an expensive package, but you forgot your own, it's okay, you can take smaller products and carry them in your hands. It will even save money!

To sum up, there are many ways to reduce the amount of litter. It is important for people to make our cities cleaner, because everything depends on us. Applying just some of these ideas would result in reducing litter.


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