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To be happy one needs a lot of money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, a person is believed to be happy because of the amount of money. While some people believe that financial success causes a great happiness, others tend to think otherwise.

As for me, I believe money doesn’t play a big role in our life. First of all, our happiness depends on people around us. For example, good friends and family always give you unforgettable emotions. Secondly, almost all people should have hobbies. For example, volleyball and tennis increases your happiness if you are fond of sport.

By the way, it is better when the hobby is connected with your job because you can get positive emotions even working.

However, there is another point of view. To begin with, it is believed that almost all people are keen on travelling.

It can provide incredible memories. So that, if you have not enough money you cannot go to other cities and countries. Consequently, it is impossible to get these emotions while travelling all over the globe. What is more, having a lot of money gives an opportunity to buy everything that can make you happy without any regrets in future.

I would not agree with the above mentioned opinion. At first, zero variance to travel without spending much money. For example, different exchange programmes offer an accommodation, food for people who are open to volunteering.

Besides, spending money on everything we want to have is not well. It is because we should learn how to plan our budget correctly.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat one more time that a big amount of money is not necessary for people to be happy.


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